Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Defintion of What Mass Communication and Mass Media Really Means

Mass communication affects everyone in many different ways. For some it rules their lives and for others it gives them new ideas of things they might want to try. The Real World is a perfect example of this. In almost every episode you can see them going to Subway or drinking a Sun Drop. Some people will only buy certain brands because their favorite celebrity endorses it. This is how the media controls us in everything we eat, wear, drink, and even the places we might travel to.  Mass communication is everywhere. It is in the movies and shows we watch, the music we listen to, and on the billboards we drive past every day. Mass communication is how the media connects with the public.
                No matter where you are or what you are doing you are being affected by some kind of mass communication. Advertising, movies, television, and the radio are all forms of mass media. Mass communication is the way these forms of media affect us every day. In one of the latest episodes of Hawaii 5-O they have a commercial inside of the episode for Subway and had an entire scene about the fast food restaurant. The reason for these new commercials that take place during your favorite show is the rising number of people that have DVR’s. People are able to fast forward through commercials and this way we are still subjected to advertisements. Seeing your favorite celebrity trying a new shampoo, make up, food, or trying out the newest fashion makes us want to be more like them. If the Kardashian’s use a certain brand then if we use the same brand as them then maybe we will become more like them.
The media gets into our minds and controls us even if we do not realize it. This is my opinion of what mass media and mass communication really means.

These are a few ads and examples of some of our favorite celbrties endorsing different products that we use every day.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Self Introduction

  Just a Little About Me!
My name is Ashley Pounds and I am from Houston, Ms. I am 19 years old and a freshman at ICC. I love it here, but I plan to transfer to MSU in the fall of 2013 to pursue a degree in communications and broadcasting. My dream is to become a sports broadcaster.

  My parents are Keith and Elizabeth Pounds. My dad is an accountant and owns his own firm and my mother is a teacher. I have two sisters. Amanda is my older sister. She is also an accoutant and lives in Tupelo. Her husband's name is Justin. He is a math professor at Blue Mountain College and teaches a night class at ICC in Tupelo. They have a beautiful eight month old daughter, Lily.

 I have a younger sister, Allison. She is 15 and is a sophomore. She is a cheerleader on the varsity squad. She enjoys being in pageants and is part of the Houston Community Theatre.  

   In my spare time I love watching sports, riding fourwheelers, listening to music, watching movies, and hanging out with my friends. Whenever my group of friends together, no matter what we do, we are always having a good time. Most of us started kindergarten together and then graduated with each other.

 I became interested in sports in high school. I did the music for our varsity baseball team, was a diamond girl, and would help operate the scoreboard and announce for some of the games. I am completely obssessed with the Boston Red Sox. I was also the mascot for my school. I was the Hilltopper. So, it is safe to say I was surrounded by sports all throughout high school. I am also obssessed with MSU and Alabama...Roll Tide!!  

 Here are some more pictures of my family and friends. These pictures will probably help you get to know me a little better.